The Frank Anthony Spina Lectureship on Christian Scripture

After his 46-year career as Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology in The School of Theology at Seattle Pacific University and Seattle Pacific Seminary, Dr. Frank Anthony Spina launched a legacy project to endow an annual lectureship on Christian Scripture.  Though Seattle Pacific University has a proud tradition of promoting Christian Scripture not only in the university curriculum but in the life of the Church, it has never made provision for an annual lectureship that would attract scholars from around the world.  The Frank Anthony Spina Lectureship on Christian Scripture seeks to fill that void.

The endowment will require $100,000.00.  Dr. Spina is donating $20,000.00 of that amount.  Already, colleagues, students, and friends have contributed about $50,000.00.

Anyone who is interested in making a contribution to this endowment may contact the Seattle Pacific University Department of Advancement.


Jesus’ Personal Bible: The Greatest Archaeological Discovery Ever - 2019 Lecture by Dr. Frank Spina


The First Step in Our Bible Journey