The First Step in Our Bible Journey

My name is Frank Spina and during my 46 years as a professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology, I noticed that most people only know interpretations of the Bible, rather than the scripture itself.

In this podcast, I will be your teacher and guide through the Bible that not many people are familiar with. As we unpack quintessential Biblical stories, you will gain an unparalleled understanding of the scripture. More importantly, my teaching style is fun, engaging, and always inspirational!

But before we get into dissecting the scripture, I’d like you to know a little about me and how I got to the position of speaking to you on this podcast.

I didn’t always think of myself as a scholar, but today I speak seven languages and hold numerous degrees. In high school, I was a “C” student who could never imagine teaching at a college. What inspired this transformation?

In this episode, you will hear all about my journey of becoming a professor at the Seattle Pacific University and an Episcopal priest at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church in Bellevue, Washington.

I developed a specific pedagogical method for teaching scripture that I’m happy to share with you today and in future episodes. As a result, my students found the Bible not only fascinating but also deeply transformative. It is my hope that you will receive this podcast as a blessing as well!

So if you want to unlock the secrets of Jesus’ precious words, make sure to subscribe now! 

We’re only getting started.

For more reading, check out my book: The Faith of the Outsider: Exclusion and Inclusion in the Biblical Story


The Frank Anthony Spina Lectureship on Christian Scripture


About us